2016 Erase The Hate Week

From Monday 11/28 – Friday 12/2, we celebrate our 5th annual Erase The Hate week, which promotes appreciating each person’s uniqueness and celebrating our rich diversity, regardless of backgrounds, race, religion, orientation or other differences.  Morning news will feature messages of acceptance and appreciation for differences.  On 12/1,  all lunches will have the activity” I Won’t Stand For ____” and, on 12/2, Mix-It Up At Lunch.

Videos to be shown during the week:

Mon 11/28:  Mrs. Pinsky –  ETH Rationale  Kid President’s 20 things (3:31)

Tues 11/29: Mrs. Holzum – Fear masquerades as Hate   Erase The Hate – Insecurities (1:43)

Wed 11/30: Ms. Webb & Ms. Campbell – Differences are what make you interesting   Embrace Your Differences  (2:53)

Thursday 12/1:  Ms. Campbell & Ms. Webb – What you do and do not stand for   Characters Unite (0.57)

Friday 12/2:  Mrs. Banks- benefits of mixing it up (having different friends with different interests, beliefs, backgrounds)  Characters Unite: Dulé Hill (1:16)  Lunch:  Mix-It-Up At Lunch.  mix-it-up-slideshow


At December 8th‘s Community Connections Night, Mrs. Holzum will host a session for the parents of 8th graders to apply for the Pasco Education Foundation’s Take Stock in Children Scholarship. Information, deadline date, and resources to contact will be provided.  Criteria includes a semester GPA of  2.50 or higher, no discipline issues, and agreement to remain crime-free & drug-free and to maintain good grades and attendance. This scholarship provides up to a 4-year tuition-free scholarship, college readiness coach, mentor.  Families must provide W2, 1040, and pay stub information to support income eligibility requirements.

Additionally, there are scholarships to apply for that are available to all middle school students (Kohls’ Kids Who Care, Doodle4Google, Gloria Barron Young Heroes, Healers Trilogy, Patriots Pen, Angela Award, Scholastic Art/Writing):  https://www.unigo.com/pay-for-college/scholarships/you-re-never-too-young-for-scholarships


Q1 Honor Roll

Quarter 1 Honor Roll will be on Monday, November 14th at 9:15 in our gymnasium for all 6th grade, 7th grade, and 8th grade students earning above 3.20 GPA in quarter 1.  We look forward to celebrating your hard work with the ceremony, certificate, dog tag, and cookies and punch in the commons afterward.

Safer Smarter Teens

In November, counselors will be teaching safety lessons on “Safer, Smarter Teens.”  We were one of the middle schools in Pasco County to pilot this important curriculum, which will be expanded to all Pasco County Schools in 2017-18.

This age-appropriate personal safety curriculum empowers students to protect themselves in potentially unsafe situations and provides practical strategies to help teens protect themselves without being explicit or frightening.

To learn more about Safer, Smarter Teens and the organization that developed the curriculum, Lauren’s Kids, please visit: https://safersmarterteens.org







Parent letter

Red Ribbon Week Prizes

Teacher Spirit: Ms. Cooley, Ms. A Williams, Ms. Schmidt (Infinity), Ms. Jeffcott, Ms. Walters
Door Decorating Prizes:
Best Message: Dr. Galbert’s 1st pd
Best Visual: Ms. C. Williams’ 1st pd
Best Creativity: Ms. Hawk (AVID) 1st pd
Best Overall: Ms. Meyer’s 1st pd

RBSMS RRW Natural Highs

Friday 10/21st pre-event overview:  https://youtu.be/Ut13tm1L5kE


Theme: Team Up Against Drugs, counselor AM news video, Natural High video = soccer


Theme: Drug-free Is My SuperPower, counselor AM news video, Natural High video = dancing


Theme: Buddy Up Against Drugs, counselor AM news video, Natural High video = basketball


Theme: Hair’s to a Drug Free Life, counselor AM news video, Natural High video = surfer/musician, Judging of Decorated Doors.


Theme: Peace Out to Drugs, Natural High video = artist

MONDAY, OCT. 31/Halloween Theme: Bulldog Strong (school colors = orange/black), On-Track celebrations, and Club Day


Red Ribbon Week 2016

Monday, October 24th- “Team Up To Be Drug Free”: Wear your favorite collegiate sports team attire.

Tuesday, October 25th- “Being Drug Free is My Super Power”: Dress like your favorite Super Hero.

Wednesday, October 26th- “Buddy Up Against Drugs”: Buddy up with a friend and dress like twins.

Thursday, October 27th- “Hair’s to a Drug Free Life”: Show your drug free spirit with wild hair.

Friday, October 28th- “Peace Out to Drugs”: Wear tie-dye and peace signs.

Monday, October 31st- “Bulldog Strong Against Drugs”: Show your bulldog pride and wear orange and black, our school colors.

We look forward to celebrating Red Ribbon Week’s focus on healthy, drug-free choices!   Each day, your counselors will be on the morning announcements,  put on special activities, will spotlight the natural high of famous athletes, artists, and musicians.

8th Grade Scholarship Take Stock In Children

8th graders consistently on-track in academics, behavior, and attendance will receive information to apply for the Pasco Education Foundation’s Take Stock in Children Scholarship. Students will be provided with information, deadline date, and resources to contact for further information.  Criteria includes a semester GPA of  2.50 or higher, no disipline issues, agree to remain crime & drug-free, and maintain good grades and attendance.    This scholarship provides up to a 4-year tuition-free scholarship, college readiness coach, mentor.  Families must agree to provide W2, 1040, and pay stub information to support income eligibility requirements.  More information will be provided by Mrs. Holzum, 8th grade school counselor.

Counselors in the Classroom

Starting in October, school counselors will work on rotation to teach the first lesson of the year.  8th grade lessons are the Safer Smarter Teens curriculum, which teach students about safety skills for teens.  6th and 7th grade lessons are the Orientation lesson, teaching students who their counselor is, how to access counseling support, what a counselor helps with, and ways to solve conflict.

6th Grade Conflict Lesson