SOCIAL STUDIES 2020-2021 COURSE SELECTION Requirements: World History, US History, US Government(sem) & Economics(sem)

SOCIAL STUDIES 2020-2021 COURSE SELECTION Requirements: World History, US History, US Government(sem) & Economics(sem)

  1. These are general guidelines. Students should seek teacher input.
  2. Review teacher’s recommendation with family
  3. Do not repeat courses already currently enrolled in or completed

2019-2020 10th Grade SOCIAL STUDIES Courses 2020-2021 Social Studies Options for Class of 2022 ASK YOUR TEACHER FOR RECOMMENDATIONS Senior Year Social Studies Options **SUBJECT TO CHANGE: Academic Performance this year on classwork and assessments and course offerings may impact options.
If student has:
No World History
No US History
No Econ/Gov
If student has not taken (for high school credit) World History in 9th or 10th grade or US History or Gov/Econ, there are 2 school years to complete coursework requiring 3 years — see counselor to develop plan.
World History US History Economics + Government
World History Honors US History Honors or
ØDE AMH2010 with
Economics Honors + Government Honors
AP World History AP US History  or
ØDE AMH2010 with
AP Macroeconomics +AP Government
US History, US History Honors, AP US History See counselor to discuss student’s plan to complete Econ/Gov requirement
Government/Econ If transferred into Pasco with Econ/Gov, see counselor to discuss plan to complete Econ/Gov requirement

Ø Dual Enrollment course placement is based upon PERT exam scores, student’s successful completion of DE application process requirements within deadlines, and course availability. Students selecting Dual Enrollment should select a backup course for each DE academic area and label it “DE backup” in the rectangle.