- The Powerpoint from Parent Night and from classroom presentation has been posted as pictures at the bottom of the Class Presentations post: https://connectplus.pasco.k12.fl.us/apinsky/2020/02/pinsky-class-presentations/

- CHANGING your selections for junior year’s course card? That’s great! You SHOULD absolutely review your course selections with your family and with your current teachers for their advice. Do not submit multiple changes — just email your FINAL choices to me at apinsky@pasco.k12.fl.us and I’ll attach the email to your course card.

- ABSENT during your class presentation? On Monday 3/2, I finish seeing all students who haven’t yet completed course card – passes are already written for 1st 5th and 6th – please don’t just show up.
- If you have not been seen by me for course card selection by the end of Monday 3/2, please let me know (via email, Remind, or in person via Ms. Canter, the Student Services secretary and she’ll let me know).

QUESTIONS about your selections? If you have a question, the easiest and fastest way to get an answer is to email me at apinsky@pasco.k12.fl.us – if it’s something you must discuss or must see me about in person, complete an appointment request https://lolhs.pasco.k12.fl.us/mform/view.php?id=47877 — I do want to let you know that I have 4,000+ course request entries to review individually and enter in — and must meet a deadline, so I will have extremely limited availability.