Additional Meal Prices
School Level Breakfast Lunch
Elementary $1.85 $3.25
Middle $2.00 $3.25
High $2.00 $3.75
Adult $3.00 $5.00
Pasco County Schools Food & Nutrition Services will be implementing a program called the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP).
What does this mean for our families?
All enrolled students of Pasco County Schools are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at school at no charge to their household.
No further action is required. Each student(s) will be able to participate in these meal programs without having to pay a fee or submit a meal application.
A la Carte items including vending machines will still be available for purchase including additional meals and/or components of the meals.
Families can reach out to Food & Nutrition Services directly through Lets Talk, call FNS at 813.794.2480, or email FNS_Finance@pasco.k12.fl.us if they have any questions regarding this new program.
Helping to Build a Healthier Student Body
Food and Nutrition Services recognizes the important connection between a healthy diet and a student’s ability to learn effectively and achieve high standards in school. As a part of our commitment to help build a healthier student body, our department ensures that all menus meet the required nutrient levels for specific grade groups. The 2012 – 2013 school year has introduced many changes to the meals our students are offered as a result of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. The selections offered focus on meeting the new standards for sodium, calories, saturated fat and trans-fat. In addition, we ensure that menus, when averaged over the week, provide the amount of grains and proteins within the allowable ranges.
New regulations require menu items to be categorized into five (5) food components: Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Protein, and Milk. Each day students are offered a variety of items from each food component. These changes mean students will have more choices of fresh fruits and vegetables available daily. We offer locally grown produce when available and affordable. They will also have protein, grain and milk choices. All menus will continue to be nutritionally analyzed by registered dietitians to ensure compliance within the new stricter guidelines.
Breakfast Meal Pattern – All grades
The components for breakfast are Fruits, Grains, Protein, and Milk. In order to receive breakfast at the established meal prices, students must select at least three (3) of the four (4) components offered, with one component being a fruit. Students may select one (1) item from each of the four (4) components offered, without incurring unexpected a la carte charges. The meal price is the same whether students select three (3) or four (4) components. Therefore, we recommend that students select four (4) components to help ensure they are getting the nutrients their bodies need in the morning.
Lunch Meal Pattern
The components for lunch are Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Protein, and Milk. In order to receive lunch at the established meal prices a student must select at least three (3) different components, one (1) of the selections must be a fruit or vegetable. (Visual Provided Below)
Elementary and Middle Schools
Elementary and middle schools students may select one (1) item from each of the five (5) components offered and may also select a second vegetable choice without incurring unexpected a la carte charges. The meal price is the same whether students select items from three (3), four (4) or all five (5) components.
High Schools
High school students may select one (1) item from each of the five (5) components offered and may also select a second fruit and vegetable choice without incurring unexpected a la carte charges. Even though a student may select 2 fruit choices only one of the two choices can be 100% fruit juice. The meal price is the same whether students select the minimum or maximum components allowed.
If your child currently brings a lunch from home, we encourage you to give the school lunch program a try. We have two full-time registered dietitians that work with our schools, vendors, and suppliers to plan healthy meals that are kid-approved. We conduct student taste tests on all of our menu items, select high-quality foods that contain whole-grains, and continue to serve fresh fruits and vegetables at an affordable cost. Students that bring meals from home are welcome to purchase additional foods such as fresh fruit, bottled water, or cold milk to supplement their lunch from home.

3 Easy ways to Pay: Cash or Check, Online Myschoolbucks.com, Debit or Credit
Food and Nutrition Services is committed to providing the students of Pasco County Schools with an affordable and nutritious school breakfast and lunch. If your child needs assistance with special meals due to a food allergy or medical condition, please contact our registered dietitian. We have nutrient lists and food allergy information available online or by request. If you have any questions regarding the menus or nutrients, please contact Amanda Fox, RDN/LDN at (813) 794-2183
For more detailed information on the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act, 2010, please visit http://www.fns.usda.gov/cnd/governance/legislation/nutritionstandards.htm.