Got Milk?

Got Milk?

Just the Facts! All milk contains a unique combination of nutrients important for growth & development.  Milk is the #1 food source of 3 of the 4 nutrients of concern identified by the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans: calcium, vitamin D, and potassium. ...
Calling ALL Chefs!

Calling ALL Chefs!’s-beginners/for-schools?utm_campaign=bensbeginners&utm_medium=eblast&utm_source=snasmartbrief&utm_content=HTML&utm_term=learnmore  
School Lunch Hero Day 2016

School Lunch Hero Day 2016

 The National School Nutrition Organization has designated the 1st Friday in May as a day to celebrate our hero’s! The purpose of this day is to recognize those who prepare healthy meals for our students, adhere to strict nutrition standards,...
Trinity Elementary – Breakfast with Mom

Trinity Elementary – Breakfast with Mom

A healthy breakfast is the best way to start off the day and is important for everyone. From eggs and bacon to muffins and fruit, Trinity Elementary celebrated their annual Breakfast with Mom on April 29th. Each year the school PTO organizes this event so that the...
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