Coronavirus Information for Students
Coronavirus Information for Students
Happiness Calendar by Greater Good — for added happiness this month: https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/images/uploads/March_2020__Happiness_Calendar.pdf
Monday 10/22 starts Red Ribbon Week, a nationwide week celebrating healthy, drug- free choices. Each day we dress to support the fun theme and promote a healthy, chemical-free life.
Video: Bethany Hamilton
SUPERHERO TUESDAY Video: Chelsie Hightower Pictures:
TWIN/TEAM Wednesday Video: P.O.D. Pictures:
UNITY Day (Orange) Video: Adam Wainwright
Wear RED, Video: Dartanyon Crockett ASSEMBLY Pictures:
2018 RBSMS Red Ribbon Week Guest Jeannine Laurence, MADD’s Power of You(th)
Erase The Hate Week is our annual event celebrating everyone’s uniqueness and appreciating our differences. We’re celebrating this year from Friday 9/21 daily through Monday 10/1 with a different theme, video, and activities each day, so join us to help build our best school climate! Here’s our introductory SchoolMessenger notice and our kickoff video.
Monday 9/24 Power of the Bystander — Different is Cool! Tuesday 9/25 Meanness Visible Wednesday 9/26 Meanness Overwhelms (flip negatives to positives) Thursday 9/27 Ask The Question Friday 9/28 Mix It Up At Lunch Monday 10/01 World Blue Shirt Day for Bullying Prevention Counselors on News, Video .
Erase The Hate by being a good citizen in person and online.
Counselors on the News & Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4g8w7GV3-iA
Remind message for 9/27:
Selfie Stations On Stage:
Today’s theme: Sometimes what we think of as our weaknesses are actually strengths — it’s all how you look at it.
Today’s news and video: https://youtu.be/ktXO5AUVKzo
Today’s teacher-led ACT time activity: view video of Kid President
Today’s Remind messages:
Erase The Hate Week is RBSMS’ annual event celebrating everyone’s uniqueness and appreciating differences with daily different themes, videos, and activities to help us all build the best school climate possible!
9/25’s theme: Meanness Visible: don’t judge people by their appearances. All lunches have an activity in the cafeteria, including pledges to #JustSayHello #seeTheFaceNotTheRace #SeeTheAbleNotTheLabel and #EraseTheHateRBSMS
Counselors on the news and today’s video