There are a few different options for tutoring help with homework:
- this is a free tutoring online program that some of our students are a part of.
- this is the site that our students created to use to schedule and provide free tutoring from LOLHS students.
- Then there is SMARTTHINKING online tutoring which is accessed right through your myLearning/Canvas course on the left-hand side. It is very slow but you do work with a real person and they help you step by step. See detailed information below.
- Lastly, you can ALWAYS reach out to your teacher and ask for help and schedule a separate Zoom with them 🙂
Embedded into every student’s myLearning account is 600,000 (six hundred thousand) minutes of free tutoring per student. This tutoring is available every single day, 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. It has a real life tutor there in live time answering questions, helping with science homework or English, or AP Stats, etc.