GRADUATION REQUIREMENT: 4 English credits earned. In junior year, each English course affords the opportunity to earn both high school and college credit based on achievement – see table below. Links are provided with each Florida public university’s policy on awarding college credit for the 3 LOLHS English courses: Parent Link for information flyer

11th Gr English | AICE General Paper | AP English Lang & Composition | DE ENC1101& DE ENC1102 |
Course information | CPALMS Major Concepts | College Board Course At-A-Glance | PHSC Course Description |
HS Weighted GPA credit | AP/IB/DE weighting (+1.0) A=5.0 B=4.0 C=3.0 D=2.0 | AP/IB/DE weighting (+1.0) A=5.0 B=4.0 C=3.0 D=2.0 | AP/IB/DE weighting (+1.0) A=5.0 B=4.0 C=3.0 D=2.0 |
College Credit | Score on end-of-year exam awards college credit in the electives category (not English). Each university has a webpage that lists what course credits the university awards for passing AICE exams: UF FSU USF NCF UCF FGCU UNF FAU FIU FAMU FPU UWF | Score on end-of-year AP exam awards college credit in the category of English. Each university has a webpage that lists what course credits the university awards for passing AP exams: UF FSU USF NCF UCF FGCU UNF FAU FIU FAMU FPU UWF | Students are enrolled in PHSC – this is a college course, earning direct credit. Each university has a webpage that describes dual enrollment credit: UF FSU USF NCF UCF FGCU UNF FAU FIU FAMU FPU UWF |