- if selecting semester courses, select two for each class period (one per semester)
- GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: 8 elective credits required
- These are general guidelines only –ask your current teacher for recommendations for your success based on your work ethic, your academic performance, assessment performance, and the rigors of the available course options.
- Review teacher’s recommendation with family
- Course options are subject to change. Academic performance this year on coursework and assessments, as well as course scheduling, may impact options.
£See course descriptions below table:
Creative Writing I (Sem) Creative Writing II (Sem) | Sociology £(Sem) | Contemporary History£ (Sem) | Psychology I £ (Sem) Psychology II £ (Sem) | AP Comp Science Principles £ See page bottom for more info |
TV News Journalism 2 3 4 | Holocaust Honors £ (Sem) | AP Compar Gov & Pol £(Sem) | AP Psychology | AP Computer Science A See page bottom for more info |
Yearbook Journalism 2 3 4 | World Cultural Geography£ | AP European History£ | ØDE World Cinema (ENC1101 prereq) | ØDE Short Fiction (ENC1101 prereq) |
Literature in Media Honors | IB Social Anthropology £ | IB Music | AP Human Geography£ |
ØDE placement pending PERT scores, completion of DE application process within deadlines, course availability. Select a backup course for each DE academic area & label it “DE backup” in the rectangle.
£: Course descriptions handout on next pages was distributed during course card class presentations to students and on Parent Night to parents.
- Sociology (semester) – We study human behavior and interaction. Units include: culture, socialization, social stratification, crime and deviance, racism, prejudice and discrimination. Class is active- very little book work. Activities, class discussions, ppt- ATTENDANCE CRUCIAL
- Contemporary History (semester) – 1950s-present. We study major world events along with the pop culture of each decade including music, fads, tv shows, movies, hair styles, clothing etc. THERE IS NOT TEXT FOR THIS CLASS, THEREFORE ATTENDANCE IS VITAL TO SUCCESS.
- Psychology I & II (semester classes) It is a State University System Academic Elective Course. The purpose of this course is to provide conceptual knowledge of how human brains and bodies react to information and situations because of psychology. Understanding psychology will help students to better understand aspects of their career, navigate diversity, and deal with difficulties they may experience in life. Studying psychology will help students become more effective in their most important and basic role in the world: relating and understanding themselves. Students are expected to be attentive in class, complete assignments accurately and on time, write in complete sentences and use correct spelling, bring appropriate materials daily, participate in class activities and discussions, and work well independently and cooperatively.
- AP Computer Science Principles (full year) It is NOT a hard-core programming class. It is meant to introduce students to the world of computer science as it relates to the creation and manipulation of anything interactive. The class is structured to encourage students to work together, not with group projects, to solve computer related problems. Overall the class is about 20% lecture based and 80% working on the computer. What the class is NOT:
- Learning how to tear apart and assemble a computer
- Learning how to use any specific software such and Microsoft office
- Learning how to create a website
- Learning a Coding Language
- What AP Computer Science Principles DOES do:
- Explores real world situations used to create interactive applications
- Fosters open communication between students to collectively find solutions to computational problems
- Introduces student to the fundamentals of coding through a block-based application (not a language)
- Focuses on creative problem-solving using technology
- Holocaust Honors (semester) – a class that is design to take a deep study of how the Holocaust and similar events throughout history has had a lasting effect on society as a whole. The course pertains to the examination of the events of the Holocaust (1933-1945), the systematic, planned annihilation of European Jews and other groups by Nazi Germany. The class further examines twentieth and twenty-first century genocides, investigation of human behavior during this period, and an understanding of the ramifications of prejudice, racism, and stereotyping on current real-world situations.
- AP Comparative Government and Politics (semester) Studies, and compares, the governments of the UK, Russia, China, Iran, Mexico, and Nigeria. Students need to be self-disciplined to complete readings outside of class and participate in class discussions based on the readings. A great follow-up to AP Human Geography and AP World History; nice complement to US Government (Honors or AP) too. **This class does NOT meet the graduation requirement for government (that has to be US Gov).**. World History background is necessary, so best for traditional Juniors/Seniors, IB Sophomores, or traditional Sophomores who took AP Human in 9th. (If no previous AP experience, should be an A/B Honors student willing to complete homework every night).
- AP Psych (full year) Explore the ideas, theories, and methods of the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. You’ll examine the concepts of psychology through reading and discussion and you’ll analyze data from psychological research studies. Topics include consciousness, memory, personality, psychological disorders, treatment, social psychology, and more.
- Expectations: In-class attendance and participation is vital! Textbook is required to be read at home (about 30 minutes each night including questions) and checks occur on a weekly basis.
- Suggested Prerequisites: 10th+ grade reading level (Passed ELA FSA), time-management skills, and success in past AP class or honors class with high expectations and homework! (Psychology I/II not required as a prerequisite but suggested if you are unsure about ability to understand college-level text or ability to manage time/homework)
- World Cultural Geography (full year) Examines cultures as well as geographical features on a continent-by-continent basis.
- Almost all work is done in the classroom (homework is rare unless you never finish in class) on a mostly activity-driven basis.
- Perfect if you like learning about other places and people.
- Great for any grade and academic level student.
- AP European History (full year)- A class that surveys connections and allows students to contextualize Europe and its global interactions throughout history. This survey of Europe consists of studying the High Renaissance through the post formation of the European Union. This course is designed to challenge students with complex concepts and prepare them for the AP exam. The first half of the year focuses on the intellectual, political, and social history of Europe with the focus being from the Renaissance to the death of Napoleon. The second half will focus on the political development established from the Industrial Revolution to the present.
- AP Human Geography (full year) Examines the interaction of people with each other and the planet on a topic-centered basis (population, culture, etc). Really an AP “Social Studies” class since it incorporates a little bit of everything at a challenging level. Perfect for learning about other people and places AND attempting college credit at the same time. Ideal for ANY grade-level as a 1st-time AP student, or can be an AP elective for someone with AP experience who wants to learn more about the world. (If no previous AP experience, should be an A/B Honors student willing to complete homework every night).
- IB Social and Cultural Anthropology (full year)– Students will study about other societies and cultures by reading ethnographies outside of class. They will read two (2) ethnographies of their choice per quarter and write a report on each. Students will also be required to complete IB requirements for the course which includes the 2,000-word Internal Assessment and the IB Examination that is two part and formulated of essays on the cultures studied via the ethnographies that were read through the course.
- IB Music– full year– Students develop their knowledge and potential as musicians, both personally and collaboratively. Involving aspects of the composition, performance and critical analysis of music, the course exposes students to forms, styles and functions of music from a wide range of historical and socio-cultural contexts. Students create, participate in, and reflect upon music from their own background and those of others. They develop practical and communicative skills which provide them with the opportunity to engage in music for further study, as well as for lifetime enjoyment.