5/17 FALL 2020 DE Info

- Please access the district website which contains the Fall Online Registration Worksheet for important upcoming dates and deadlines for Fall Registration.
- Students must send their online registration worksheet to the school counselor via email for review and approval — schedule with Mrs. Pinsky to discuss courses https://calendly.com/pinsky-lolhs/virtual-individual-counseling
- Please use this document to find the dates and times for fall registration.
- Students who are taking an online course for the first time must complete the online readiness course through Canvas. Completion of the PHSC online readiness course is required prior to registering in any online dual enrollment courses. Given that PHSC courses may only be available online this fall, all students should access and complete the online readiness course NOW.
- Completion of the Student Orientation online is also REQUIRED for all DE students. Students who have not completed this course will not be able to register for Fall courses.
- Visit https://admissions.phsc.edu/start/high-school/dual-enroll/faq to access directions on how to complete the orientation.
Dual Enrollment affords students the opportunity to earn college credit while simultaneously meeting high school graduation requirements. Grades earned apply to both high school and college transcripts. To be eligible for Dual Enrollment, students must have ≥ 3.00 unweighted GPA and take/pass the PERT exam.

The PERT exam is the Post-secondary Education Readiness Test and its results determine eligibility and placement levels for the courses. Average test duration is about 2 hours, but there is no time limit.
Students have options for when and where to take the PERT, but the first attempt is offered for free wherever they go: students can take the exam at a PHSC campus or at LOLHS.
- At PHSC: Each PHSC campus has different options for testing – some require registering and others are just walk-in (Porter campus at Wiregrass – walk-in Mon-Thu 8am-4:30pm).
- At LOLHS: it is a two-day, after-school exam given on Tuesday March 10th and Thursday March 12th. Students MUST attend both sessions. To register, scan the QR code in Student Services.
- ++Students are allowed TWO PERT test attempts in a two-year period so it’s important to be prepared for the exam++ There is a $5 fee for a second test attempt.
- ***students MUST see me for a letter to take to the campus in order to test for the exam. Students are NOT admitted without this signed letter.**
- Summer 2020 Dual Enrollment Application window: 3/23-5/10
- Fall 2020-2021 Dual Enrollment Application window: 5/11
If students pass the PERT, they will need to drop off their scores with the Student Services Secretary Ms. Canter. Ms. Pinsky will call students down to review options and all the next steps.
- LOLHS offers DE courses on our campus — See course card presentations for more info on DE from the week of 2/21-2/26. Courses offered at LOLHS:
- English: ENC1101+ENC1102.
- After completion of ENC1101, students could choose ENG2103 World Cinema + LIT1020 Short Fiction. Some students who have ENC1101+1102 junior year choose World Cinema & Short Fiction their senior year.
- History: AMH2010+AMH2020
- Biology: BSC1005
- Business: GEB1011
- English: ENC1101+ENC1102.
- PHSC also offers online classes and on-campus courses.
- students choosing PHSC online or PHSC-campus classes must have a PHSC off-campus period in their LOLHS schedule for each online/PHSC course. Students cannot be on campus during those periods (typically PHSC Off-Campus is either a 1st period or 6th period).
- Students cannot take virtually or at PHSC-campuses any course that is offered AT LOLHS.
- The type and amount of courses a student can register for is dependent upon factors such as qualifying PERT scores.

**DE UPDATE 4/14/2020

PERT Testing: Currently all in-person student services at PHSC campuses, including testing, are suspended until at least April 15th. The school district will be kept apprised of any changes going forward and will communicate those changes to staff.
- PASCO DUAL ENROLLMENT PAGE (START HERE!!): http://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/oll/page/dual-enrollment
- REGISTRATION WORKSHEET: http://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/library/oll/Summer_2020_Dual_Enrollment_Online_Registration_Worksheet3_1.pdf
- PHSC Gen Ed Courses for AA degree: http://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/library/oll/PHSC_General_Education_Requirements_2018_FINAL.pdf
- DE Textbook Pickup https://livepascok12fl.sharepoint.com/:w:/s/OLL_Resources/EYcWg65QEnxPh2Owd-2m8KkBCoaLD-CLoh7f29UvLOqBwQ?rtime=rfxpj3Hd10g
- DE PHSC-DSBPC Agreement 2019-2020 http://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/library/oll/2019-2020_DE_Agreement_District_School_Board_of_Pasco_County_.pdf
- PHSC AP/AICE Exam Equivalency (College credits for exam scores) https://admissions.phsc.edu/sites/default/files/documents/external-credit-awards-apaiceib.pdf
- PERT Scores chart http://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/library/oll/Student_Testing_and_Placement_Chart_FALL_2019_Revised_9-11-191.pdf
**DE UPDATE 3/7/2020:
- Dual Enrollment course requests will not show as main course requests in myStudent until EVERY step and sub-step of the DE process is entirely complete.
- In the weeks after Spring Break, more DE information is available for students and families:
- LOLHS Counselors meet with their grade’s students to review the options available.
- PHSC is hosting an Open House on their campus. Date/Time TBD
- LOLHS hosts a Dual Enrollment Info Night at LOLHS. The PHSC Advisor presents information and is available after to answer your questions and guide you through next steps. I’ll send the date out asap.