The month of April is just around the corner and April is a month dedicated to several worthy causes including National Autism Aw
areness Month as w
ell as National Youth Violence Prevention Month.
RBSMS will participate in the “Spread the Word to End the Word” campaign to educate why the R-word (retard/retarded) is hurtful to those with intellectual disabilities and their families. We will have activities during the week of April 2nd (which happens to be World Autism Awareness Day) through April 6th.
And the winners of the End the R-Word at RBSMS are:
A lunch:
Nijia Orlandi Breanne Rood Qixalia Howard Destiny Williams Ryan Glover Adam Stringer Josh Pellegrino Kamil Mehrab Emily Kirk Alyssa Baker Jacob Smith
B lunch:
Amelia Palmer Tyler Davis Alyzisha Rodriguez Kelianexis Rodriguez Victoria Smith Hezekiah Patterson Javonte Robinson Lillian Rap Angel Rodriguez Ta’mya Floyd
C lunch: Tiffany Reynolds Lara Velazquez Melodylyn Yazell Alyssa Schroeder LeAnn Sears Marcos Gonzalez Travin Lee Layla Laezza Logan Williams Timberly Steward Caleb Garcia
Because these winners could:
- answer trivia about this week’s videos,
cite the purpose of the campaign,
explain the importance of inclusion, and
list ways to intervene if another person did use the r-word slur
These students signed the pledge banner, wore the Spread The Word bracelet, and won the I Pledge to Respect Everyone t-shirt.