Current 6th & 7th grade Articulation Timeline
Wed 2/20Thu 2/21: Registration in cafeteria:- 2nd hr: 6th grade
- 3rd hr: 7th grade
- Mon 2/25: Parent Course Card Presentation @ Community Connections
- Wed 2/27: ALL DUE: Course card, applications for Infinity & AVID

Current 8th grade Articulation Timeline
- Wed 1/30: √ Field trip to WCHS for zoned students (Ms. Lessem)
- Thur 1/31: √ WCHS Curriculum Fair for students and families
- Wed 2/6: ZHS course card presentation to 8th grade 1st hr
Current 5th grade Articulation Timeline
- √ Wed 1/30: ES admin/counselors at RBSMS for planning meeting
- Fri 02/15: ES accept/decline Pasco Pathways school choice (Infinity)
- Monday 3/4-Friday 3/7: Elementary Articulation Week
- Mon 3/04 10am Pinsky/Band/AVID presentation at WZES
- 2:15pm Pinsky /Band/AVID presentation at CWTES
- Tues 3/05 10am Pinsky /Band/AVID presentation at Woodland ES
- 2:30pm Pinsky /Band/AVID presentation at NRES
- Thu 3/07 10am Pep Rally in Gym for WZES/WES/CWTES/NRES students
- 5:30pm Parent University evening for students & families
- Thur 3/14: ES Course Cards due to ES (do NOT courier)
- Fri. 03/15: Pinsky goes to ES to collect cards (3/16-3/24 Spring Break)