Dual Enrollment info has posted for second semester of the 2020-2021 school year (spring 2021).
Here is the link for the district information: http://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/oll/page/dual-enrollment/
- Please read the above link closely and follow the links — most answers to questions are either on that page or on one of the links on the page.
- Complete the worksheet & meet with your counselor(s) — Mrs. Pinsky and Ms. Bridger by October28th.
- Ms. Bridger: schedule at https://phsc.navigate.eab.com/ or call the Advising Office (727) 816-3201 or the Information Center (727) 847-2727 and schedule PHSC advisement appointments
- Mrs. Pinsky: schedule at https://calendly.com/pinsky-lolhs/15min
- Put the deadlines in your calendar with reminders:
- 11/13-ish notification to your PHSC email if approved/denied,
- 11/18 mandatory web registration (times vary based on number of DE credits you’ve earned),
- 01/07 new-to-DE students create an online application at https://cpnta.phsc.edu/dualapp/english/WDEAI.aspx
- Complete the online readiness and de orientation to canvas classes. This FAQ walks you through the steps: https://admissions.phsc.edu/start/high-school/dual-enroll/faq. Students who have not completed this will not be able to register for Spring courses
- If you have questions after reviewing these tabs, let Ms. Bridger (PHSC Advisor for LOLHS) or Mrs. Pinsky know. Ms. Bridger’s email is bridgea@phsc.edu and Mrs. Pinsky’s is apinsky@pasco.k12.fl.us. Students may request advisement appointments with PHSC through November 13th. Beginning November 16th, advisement will only be accessible through the virtual drop-in platform which will be available through the first week of classes (January 15, 2021).
- Eligibility Criteria tab
- Textbooks tab and these 2 links: http://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/library/oll/dual_enrollment_3.pdf http://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/library/oll/Dual_Enrollment_Textbooks_-_COVID.pdf
- Gen Ed requirements: http://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/library/oll/PHSC_General_Education_Requirements_2018_FINAL.pdf
- Scores needed on Exams: http://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/library/oll/Student_Testing_and_Placement_Chart_FALL_2019_Revised_9-11-191.pdf