Student Services team members are available Monday through Friday to meet any needs that may arise. If you need assistance, please contact your grade level counselor between the hours of 8AM-4PM.
Below is our contact information:
- 9th Grade: Kristin Mahoney – (813) 485-6858 krmahone@pasco.k12.fl.us
- 10th Grade: Amy Pinsky – (813) 778-5416 apinsky@pasco.k12.fl.us
- 11th Grade: Val Abram – (813) 485-6506 vabram@pasco.k12.fl.us
- 12th Grade: Cameron Moody – (813) 815-3864 cmoody@pasco.k12.fl.us
- IB 9th – 12th: Jillian Baker – (813) 485-6250 jibaker@pasco.k12.fl.us
- School Social Worker: Jen Gobeli – (813) 501-7787 jgobeli@pasco.k12.fl.us
If you need immediate assistance after 4PM, our student services team members are on call Monday through Friday until 8PM.
Monday: Jillian Baker, Cameron Moody (Backup: Jen Gobeli)
Tuesday: Jen Gobeli, Kristin Mahoney (Backup: Cameron Moody)
Wednesday: Amy Pinsky, Jen Gobeli (Backup: Jillian Baker)
Thursday: Kristin Mahoney, Val Abram (Backup: Amy Pinsky)
Friday: Cameron Moody, Val Abram (Backup: Jillian Baker)