Hello! I have typed in course requests for junior year 2020-2021.
Please go now on to myStudent to review these entries and let me know right away if errors.

Be sure to change the year in the dropdown menu at the top right. Then look in the left menu: My Information>Class Requests. Please email if there are any changes to be made (e.g.: drop__/add__ or a priority change).
- Dual Enrollment courses will not show as main course requests until EVERY step and sub-step of the DE process is entirely complete.
- In the weeks after Spring Break, more DE information is available for students and families:
- LOLHS Counselors meet with their grade’s students to review the options available.
- PHSC is hosting an Open House on their campus. Date/Time TBD
- LOLHS hosts a Dual Enrollment Info Night at LOLHS. The PHSC Advisor presents information and is available after to answer your questions and guide you through next steps. I’ll send the date out asap.
- Ms. Garcia has a Remind for Dual Enrollment.