Category Archives: Uncategorized

Try the Quizlets to practice sight words

Here is the Quizlet for Modules 6-9 ; 60 HIgh-Frequency Words


Here is a Quizlet for Module 1-5 60; High Frequency Words

We sent home an e-mail with a description of all the activities and how to turn on the audio.

You received a link and a QR code. It will always be available right on our web page too.

Fall is here!

Please send in your $5.00 by 10/15 for our Halloween celebration on October 29.

Check out the page A Year at a Glance for upcoming events. Below is just a few.

You will be getting a flyer about our game at the Fall Festival on November 5.

Our first field trip is coming on November 11 and 12!


Our website has been updated. When it was updating  it lost all the information from August and September. It will take a few days to get everything back on track.