We hope you are able to come out and look around your child’s classroom and enjoy getting to know Trinity Elementary.
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Field Trips have been scheduled for the year…..
please go to the page marked Year At A Glance for dates and web sites. If you wish to chaperone for a trip you must be an approved volunteer and be selected to go. Each trip will be limited to either 1, 2 or 3 parents per class depending on where we are going. Once information is sent home, you will return your information and your name if you would like to chaperone. The names will be placed in a hat and then drawn to go on a trip.
School begins August 18 at 9:30 am
Please be sure to confirm your e-mail and how your child will get home on the first day.
Welcome Class of 2027!
Meet the teacher day is Wednesday, August 13 from 8:30-2:30pm. Please bring your supplies with you to make the first day easier for you. We are looking forward to meeting everyone.
Mrs. Bogard, Miss Burch, Mrs. Cellra, Mrs. Kelly and Mrs. Poth.
K- Camp
Training week is going great, we are learning where the art and music room are in the building. We also learned what door we use to enter the office, what the clinic looks like and how to the car loop works. There is a lot to learn in Kindergarten :).
We are getting ready for K-Camp !
K- camp starts next week You should have received an e-mail from Mrs. Kelly and Miss Kindberg with instructions. We are looking forward to getting you ready for your kindergarten year.
We are half-way through the Scholastic Reading Challenge!
Continue to read and record your minutes!
Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge- Record your minutes all summer long!
Be sure to log your minutes that you are reading. Your teacher gave you username and password to log in and record your minutes. Track the progress of Trinity Elementary. If you have any questions please e-mail your child’s teacher.
Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge
2 more days to bring in your PB and J!
Let’s see how many Kindergarten can bring in.