Welcome Back!

We are so excited to be back and look forward to seeing everyone. January is busy with several different activities. Please pay attention to your e-mail, newsletter and monthly calendar.

We are entering the second semester. Just a reminder of your child’s reading goals. Read at least 3x a week on Bookshelf for 10 minutes each session.

The reader         should be on/should know

August 1Y            letters and sounds

September 2Y    10 power words

October 2Y         20 power words

November 3Y     30 power words

December 3Y     40 power words

January  1G  Reader     50- 60 power words

February 1G       finish 1G words start working on 2G words and blends/digraphs

March –  1G        15- 2G words and blends and digraphs

April – 2G            30- 2G words and category words

May- 2G              wrap up the year as a 2G reader

Summer- read 2G books, finish 2G power words, category words, blends and digraphs to prepare for first grade

If you are currently a 1G reader you will move into 2G skills and then 1B skills.