CANstruction- read how you can support this event.

We are, once again, participating in the Volunteer Way’s CANstruction event this year with Student Council.  CANstruction is a design/build competition where a team works with a guest architect to design and build a structure entirely out of canned food.  Last year, we built a boot in order to represent “Stomping out Hunger”.  This year, the fifth grade student council members will be working with an architect to come up with ideas and design our structure.
As a school, we are currently collecting donations in order to purchase food to use in building our structure.  This food will all be donated to the Volunteer Way’s food bank at the end of the event. Any dollar amount will help support this event. Please send in donations between now and September 17.
The new CANstruction date is Friday, October 18th and the structures will be open to viewing from October 21st through 25th at the West Pasco Government Center – 7530 Little Road.