Music fundamentals camp for projected Advanced and Intermediate band members will be held for weeks June 24th- June 27th and July 1st– July 3rd from 8am to 4pm. The band camp will culminate with a Fourth of July performance inside the Avalon Park West community between 4:45pm-6:00pm. More details about the performance will be given out during the first week of camp.
This fundamentals camp will also help our students in their preparation for All-State/All county band auditions, solidify marching band concepts, improve individual tone quality, and help build camaraderie between band director, staff, and students.
This year’s band camp will cost $120.00 and must be paid on Rycor before band camp. The $120 fee covers water, snacks, end of camp celebration, and most importantly to pay our amazing staff. This year we’ll have Mr. Crollick(assistant band director/ percussion), Mr. Ray (Woodwind), Mr. Foster (Drumline). Special guest band directors stopping by throughout the camp.
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to give me a call at 813-794-0350 or email me at doscott@pasco.k12.fl.us