Tobacco Cessation

Tobacco use can lead to life-threatening conditions including cancer, heart disease, and stroke. Here is what is available to help YOU kick the habit. Click on the brochures at the bottom of this page.

Click here to download a printable version of the Tobacco Free Workplace Guidelines and Resources.


There’s never been a better time to quit!

Click Images to Access Schedule


Our Group Quit sessions are available at convenient times and locations in your local county, and are also available through our virtual sessions. Whether in person or virtual, the sessions are led by a trained specialist providing support and guidance to help you quit smoking. For virtual sessions, all you will need is a phone, tablet, or computer. You can choose from two-course types: single-day sessions (about 2 hours) and multi-day sessions (about 60 minutes) once a week for 4 weeks.


Use our Web Quit option to begin your tobacco free journey. This package allows you access to live coach support via text and chat, automated text support, a personalized dashboard, and you may be eligible to receive a free 4-week supply of nicotine patches, gum, or lozenges.

Click on the button below for free tools and services from Tobacco Free Florida to help you get started.

Pre-registration is recommended.
Call Gulfcoast North AHEC
today at:813-929-1000

For more information regarding scheduling and registration for AHEC’s classes please email:


The District’s group medical plan covers the following medications at NO COST to members:

Bupropion extended-release (generic indicated for smoking cessation)
Nicotine Gum (generic)
Nicotine Lozenge  (generic)
Nicotine Patch (generic)
NICOTROL Nasal Spray

Click here to learn more about the tobacco cessation resources through Florida Blue.

Pasco County Schools has been recognized by the Florida Tobacco Cessation Alliance (FTCA) for our commitment and dedication to our employee’s health and wellness! FTCA presented the Silver Level Award at the October 6, 2015 board meeting.