Thursday, March 9th- Sunday, March 12th the Shark Battalion took 24 people to DC. 19 students, 3 adult chaperones, and both Army Instructors. During that time cadets visited many historically significant location such at the United States Capitol, Library of Congress, The White House, and many of the key Smithsonian’s. Cadets had the opportunity to learn so much from the places we visited. For example, The Holocaust Memorial Museum, African American Museum of History and Culture and, American History Museum especially allowed for so many exhibits that allow for the expansion of knowledge and sharpening of knowledge in specific areas. We stayed at central hotel located near most of the locations of interest with the exception of the historic Arlington Cemetery. While there, cadets had the opportunity to see the changing of the guard ceremony. The following photos, represent a lot of what was seen and the enjoyment and knowledge build up that was experienced by cadets.
We had a great time and many are looking forward to next years Battalion Field Trip!