2/25/25 Concert MPA – Band Camp Dates

We are thrilled to share some exciting news about our Indoor Guard and 8 soloists qualifying for State MPA. Their hard work and dedication have earned them a spot at this prestigious event, where they be performing on March 20th at Lakewood Ranch High School. As we celebrate this achievement, we also want to remind you of our next major evaluation ) Concert MPA. Our band will be performing at River Ridge High School on March 7th. Parents are welcome to attend and support. We are also in need of chaperones. Please see the itinerary below for important details:

March 7th – Concert MPA @ River Ridge High School
5:30pm – Meet in band room dressed in concert attire (black button up shirt and dress pants)
6:00pm – Leave for River Ridge High School
7:00pm – Warm-up
7:30pm – Performance
8:30pm – Arrive back to Hudson High School.

Upcoming Band Camp Dates
Looking ahead, we ant to ensure families are prepared for the upcoming marching season. Please mark your calendars for Band Camp 2025
• July 21 – 24 Percussion Camp
• July 28 – August 1 Band Camp

Thank you for your continued support of our amazing students and program. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

1/29/2025 Indoor Guard – Percussion Ensemble – Solo & Ensemble

Hello Everyone,

Hope this email finds you well. Next week both our Indoor Guard, Percussion Ensemble and chamber ensembles and soloists will be performing at J.W. Mitchell High School. Everyone will need to find their own ride to J.W.Mitchell High School. All performance times for each event are posted in the band room. Please refer to the following for more information for each event:

Indoor Guard – Friday, February 7th @ J.W. Mitchell High School

You will need to find your own ride to JW Mitchell High School. We will meet at 4pm by the gym. Be already dressed in your costume (unless performing a solo). Our soloists will start at 4:30pm and our Indoor Guard performance will be at 5:37pm. The performance is open to the public and free, come support the Guard!!

Percussion Ensemble – Friday,  February 7th @ J.W. Mitchell High School

You will need to find your own ride to JW Mitchell High School. We will meet at 6pm by the band room. Be dressed in your concert black attire. Our performance will be at 6:40pm. Everyone is welcome to come watch this amazing percussion group!!

Solo and Ensemble – Friday and Saturday February 7th and 9th @J.W. Mitchell High School

You will need to find your own ride. All students performing a solo or/and an ensemble should arrive at least 1 hour before your scheduled performance. All performance times are posted in the band room. Wear something nice to let the judge know you are serious. Remember to pay Mrs. Deighton $40 dollars before your performance if you have not done so already!

Best of luck to everyone!!

Band Calendar – Practices – Solo/Ensemble – Indoor Guard

Happy New Year!

We are back in the swing of things and having a great time! Many musical memories will be created through the preparation for our Solo/Ensemble, Indoor Guard MPA, and Concert MPA. To help you plan here is a link to our google calendar: Band Calendar

Solo/Ensemble/Percussion/Indoor Guard MPA @ J.W. Mitchel HS – February 7th
Students performing a solo and/or ensemble will need to pay $5 dollars per event (due February 1st) Mrs. Deighton will be providing piano accompaniment for students performing a solo. Her fee is $40 (due Feb. 1st) dollars which includes 2-3 lessons and the performance. Performance times will be announced at a later date. You will need to provide your own transportation to JWMHS.

Indoor Guard – Tuesdays & Thursdays 1:45 – 3:45
Our Indoor Guard has grown from 12 members to 21 and working hard! Due to not having school for the next two Mondays we will have practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the next two weeks.

Solo and Ensemble Students – Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 1:30pm – 2:30pm
Students may use the band room to practice their solo or ensembles. I am also available for help during that time.

Symphonic Band Rehearsals – Starting January 27, Mondays and Thursdays 1:45pm – 3:45pm
If you are a student who works, please arrange a work schedule to avoid being scheduled during our rehearsal times. Your boss will appreciate the advanced notice. (do it now)

All-County Band Concert – January 25 @ Center for the Arts at River Ridge
Come support Alex, Braden, Dominic, and Lilli, and as they perform with the All-County Band at River Ridge High School. The concert will start at 2pm.

Jazz MPA – April 10th @ Hernando High School (usually in February)
This year Jazz MPA is being offered at two different times. To help us prepare for the Lakeside Jazz Festival we are opting for the later date. More information concerning the Lakeside Jazz Festival will come soon!

Have a great day!

Christina (Terry) Adams
Band Director
Hudson High School
Facebook – Hudson High Class Act Band

12/4/24 Picture Proofs-Jazz Gig-Concert-Parade

Hello Everyone,

Congratulations to Lilli St. Aubin, Braden Chase, Alex Downing and Dominic King for making the All-County Band! Also, Lilli St. Aubin will be performing at the Festival of Winds at USF this weekend. Representing Hudson High School on such a prestigious stage is something to be very proud of!!

Next week will be a very busy week for the band. Here are all the details:

Tomorrow December 5th, 4pm – 8pm band picture proofs in the band room. Proofs for the individual band pictures which were taken 3 weeks ago will be available to see and order from 4pm – 8pm.

Monday, December 9th, 6:30pm – Jazz Band gig @ River Ridge Center for the Arts We have been invited to open up for the Crews Lake MS Band concert. Students will need to arrive by 6:30pm in their red jazz shirt and black dress pants. Concert starts at 7pm.

December 13th, 5:30pm – Winter Concert @ River Ridge Center for the Arts (River Ridge High School Auditorium Hope you can make it to this FANTASTIC CONCERT!! Students will need to arrive by 5:30pm. Concert band students will need to wear their black concert attire (black dress pants, button up shirt, and black shoes). Jazz students will need to wear their red jazz shirt with black dress pants. Guard will be wearing their uniforms. Doors open at 6:30pm and the concert will start at 7pm.

Saturday, December 14th, 4:30pm – New Port Richey Main Street Parade We will meet in the band room at 4:30pm in the HHS band room. Instead of our band hats we will have Santa hats and decorate our instruments with lights. We will need 10 chaperones for hydration and security purposes. If you plan on watching the entire parade, please coordinate finding a ride for your student from Hudson HS. Usually traffic after the parade gets really bad.

Have a great day!

11/12/24 No game this Friday/All County Auditions/Picture Proofs/Concert Uniforms

Football Playoff Game – This Friday, our band will NOT be performing at the playoff game due to it being played at Jefferson High School in Tampa

All-County Auditions – Tomorrow, many of our students will be auditioning for the All-County band! Auditions will take place a River Ridge HS. Best of luck to everyone auditioning!
. Indoor Guard PracticeThursday, December 21 from 4pm – 8pm our choreographer will be joining us to work on placements and formations on the gym floor. Attendance is required for all students who shish to participate on the indoor guard team this season

Concert Season & Attire – With concert season approaching, I want to inform our new families about the required concert attire for our performances:
Symphonic Band: Back dress pants, black button -up shirt and black dress shoes (marching shoes are also acceptable).
Jazz Band: Red button-up shirt, black dress pants, and black dress shoes. Our first performance is scheduled for December 9th. Here is a link to an example of a red button-up shirt for those looking to purchase: Red button-up shirt
Band Pictures– We took our band pictures today! Proofs will be available for     viewing on December 5th, from 4pm – 8pm in the band room. Package options will      also be available for purchase on that day.

Thank you for your support and involvement in all our events and preparations. We’re looking forward to a fantastic concert and indoor guard season and to seeing our students shine!

Please take care,

Christina (Terry) Adams
Band Director
Hudson High School
Website – Hudson HS Class Act
Facebook – Hudson High Class Act Band

11/6/24 Playoff Game – GATI- All-County – Band Pictures – Concert Season

Hello Everyone,
Thank you so much for the great support we had in the stands as we took the field for MPA last Saturday. We could hear you cheering and chiming the bells as we were reviewing the judges tapes!! It has been a fantastic marching season which earned us a Superior! Now that we are in November we will be transitioning to concert season. Here are some notable dates for the band:

November 12th – Band pictures will be taken during class. Color Guard please bring your uniform that day. These pictures will be available for purchase at a later date.
November 13th – All–County Auditions at River Ridge High School.
November 15th – Football Play-off Game. Thanks to our awesome football team making the play-offs we get to have one more performance our Superior halftime show Bruno Mars!!
November 18th – Symphonic Band and Color Guard rehearsal. Our new times are 1:45pm-3:45pm, every Monday and Thursday.
November 20th – Great American Teach-In at Hudson Primary during school.
November 21st – Indoor Guard special practice from 4pm – 8pm.
December 9th – Jazz Band gig at Center for the Arts at River Ridge – We have been invited to play for the Crews Lake MS Band concert.
December 13th – Winter Concert at The Center for the Arts at River Ridge
December 14th – Main Steet Parade in New Port Richey (need chaperones)

Thank you so much for a FANTASTIC marching season and we are very much looking forward to concert season!

10/22/24 Homecoming – Middle School Night – MPA

Thank you so much for all the great 3rd quarter snacks and water for last weeks game!! We are entering the final stretch of marching season and the band is finishing strong! Last Monday we completed the entire show. Since we are all caught up, our rehearsals will run from 3pm – 5:30pm, followed by percussion sectional till 6:30pm. Our Halloween rehearsal will still be from 2pm – 4:30pm.

Here are our remaining performance dates:

October 25 – Homecoming Game

Union County Band will be joining us. If every could again bring in 3rd quarter snack, it would be greatly appreciated! Both bands will be performing at the end of the game.

November 1st – Home Game vs Fivay High School

Both Hudson Academy, and Crews Lake Middle School Band will be joining us, in an effort to recruit for the future. If we could have everyone bring in snacks again, it would be FANTASTIC!

November 2 – MPA – Marching Performance Assessment @ Hernando High School (need chaperones!!)

This is the BIG event we have been working for since July! Bring your cowbells, rattles and posters to cheer on the band as they take the field! MPA will take place at Hernando High School in Brooksville. Tickets for spectators are $15 dollars and can be purchased at the gate via cash or card. We will need 10 chaperones who will get in free. Please let me know if you are available.

Itinerary – Saturday November 2nd

10am – 12:30pm – Dress rehearsal at Hudson Hish Stadium

12:30pm – 1:30pm – Lunch (provided by boosters) and load truck

1:30pm Leave for Hernando High School

3:00pm – Warm-Up

4:00pm – Performance

5:00pm – Watch the other bands (bring money for concession stands)

8:00pm – Leave Hernando HS

9:00pm – Arrive at Hudson High School

Thank you, parent volunteers who have been sweating in the concession stand, moving our equipment and keeping our students safe and hydrated in the stands. Also thank you for all the wonderful snacks for 3rd quarter! Let’s go out with a BANG!

Have a great day!

10/14/24 Rescheduled Football Game – New Rehearsal Start Time

Hello Everyone,
I hope this email finds you well and that you and your family weathered the recent storm safely. Due to the storm, we will need to make a few adjustments to our calendar, and I wanted to share the updated schedule with you.

1. Football Game October 18th: This Friday, we will be performing for the rescheduled football game from last week. Third-quarter snack donations will be open to the entire band. Any snack donations would be greatly appreciated to help support our students (i.e. snack bag chips, candy, cookies, ect.). Hudson Academy and Crews Lake MS Bands will not be joining us for this game, and instead will be joining us for November 1st game against Fivay HS.

2. Rehearsals: Due to loosing so much rehearsal time, we will be adding an hour to our rehearsals starting next week. We will start at 3pm and go till 6:30pm, Mondays and Thursdays. This should allow us to learn the entire show for MPA, on November 2nd.

3. Halloween Rehearsal: On Thursday, October 31st we will start at 2pm and go till 4:30pm to allow students time to enjoy Halloween festivities later in the evening.
With these adjustments we should have a great showing at our MPA (Marching Performance Assessment) November 2nd as we did with Lion’s Pride. More detailed itinerary will be shared soon to help you plan for this important event.

Thank you very much for your continued support. If you have any questions, Please don’t hesitate to reach out. Take care, and I look forward to seeing everyone soon!