What is your child learning in class right now?

The beginning of the school year brings fun songs to sing and games to play.  Older students learned a Welcome game that they sang with hand movements and put into a circle ‘dance’.  The younger set sang Hello songs to get accustomed to singing with and to each other.  We also reviewed a steady beat and brought some anchor rope in to sing some sailor songs together!

Next we will be singing and learning the history of several Patriotic songs

Ask your child what they remember learning in music class and to explain to you why?

Kindergarten – Speaking, singing, and whispering voices

1st grade – The difference between one singer and a group of singers

2nd grade – The difference between the voices of a child, adult female, and adult male

3rd grade – The difference between unison and two-part harmony

4th grade – Identifying and describing the four primary voice types (soprano, alto, tenor, and bass)

5th grade – Identifying the four voice types by ear only (soprano, alto, tenor, and bass)

SOON all classes will spend a a whole week learning to navigate our online textbook, Quaver.  Students will have time spent in the computer lab and/or laptops in class. You can find more information here: https://www.quavermusic.com/infocenter/