

Please refer to the dates below so you know when to expect your child’s progress reports and report cards throughout the year. As you scroll down you will see a brief description for how your child’s grade is determined at the intermediate level.


*This date is tentative.  Report cards may be sent home after this date.


How is progress reported for intermediate students?**
A – Well Above Expectation
Your child has demonstrated outstanding performance on concepts and skills addressed during this reporting period.  This grade recognizes excellent achievement based upon your child’s ability to apply critical thinking that goes above and beyond teachers’ expectations for successful performance
.B – Above Expectation
Your child has demonstrated performance that is above expectation on concepts and skills addressed during this reporting period.  Your child has successfully learned concepts and skills and is able to apply them in a variety of settings.
C – Adequate Progress
Your child has successfully learned concepts and skills emphasized or addressed during this reporting period and is continuing to perform at the expected level.
D – Below Expectation
Your child is still learning concepts and skills emphasized or addressed during this reporting period.  Your child is progressing but needs assistance to complete the tasks at the expected level.
U – Well Below Expectation
Your child has made little or no progress in learning concepts and skills emphasized or addressed during this reporting period.  Extra assistance is needed to perform assigned tasks.  Your child is working well below expectation.** As per Pasco County Elementary Reporting System.