Happy New Year!
It’s the beginning of the 2nd semester with new adventures for our band and color guard. For the next two months we will be getting ready for our FBA (Florida Bandmasters Association) MPAs (Music Performance Assessments), which are performance evaluations which our students take very seriously. Our very first MPA will be next week, February 4th followed by another one February 10th. Here is the breakdown of each event:
February 4th and 5th – Solo/Ensemble MPA @ J.W. Mitchel HS
Students who have been working on a solo and/or ensemble will be performing either Friday or Saturday. The times are posted in the band room. You will need to find your own transportation to J.W. Mitchel.
February 4th – Indoor Guard MPA @ J.W. Mitchel HS
You must find your own ride to J.W. Mitchel HS. We will meet at JWMHS at 5pm. Our performance time is 7:45pm. Performance will take place in the gym and everyone is invited to cheer out Class Act Guard!!! Solos times are listed in the band room.
February 10th – Jazz MPA @ River Ridge HS
You must find your own ride to RRHS. We will meet at River Ridge HS at 2pm. Our warm up time is 2:30pm. Students will need to wear their black concert attire (black shoes, black socks, black dress pants and black button up shirts). Our performance is at 3:30pm and supporters are very welcome to come and cheer on the the Jazz Band!!
February 7th – Concert Rehearsal resume every Monday and Friday from 1:45pm – 3:45pm
March 4th – Concert Band MPA 6pm @ River Ridge HS,
Students will need to wear black concert attire(black shoes, black socks, black dress pants and black button up shirts)
As we get closer to the date I’ll let you know of all the times. We will need chaperones!!!
Here is our calendar with all our future rehearsals/practices and performances: Band Calendar
Here is a link to our Facebook page: Class Act Band
Let me know if you have any questions!
Please take care,
Terry Adams
Band Director
Hudson High School
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