ODES Art Grading

Art Education Evaluation Criteria:

E:         Your child has successfully learned and implemented concepts and skills emphasized this quarter. Your child has worked independently completing projects neatly and followed all directions. Your child is producing work above and beyond what is expected at his/her grade level.

S:         Your child has successfully learned concepts and skills emphasized this quarter. Your child has worked independently most of the time, followed all or most of the directions and is working at the expected level.

N:        Your child is still learning concepts and skills emphasized this quarter. Your child is progressing but needs assistance to complete tasks. Your child may need a little more time to develop his/her fine motor skills. Your child may not put enough effort into his/her projects.

U:        Your child has made little or no progress in learning concepts and skills this quarter. Extra assistance is needed to perform assigned tasks. Your child is working well below expectations. Your child may not be trying or refusing to do his/her work.


**REMEMBER: Each child has strengths in different areas of art. Some may excel in sculpture and others in drawing. Do not be worried when grades fluctuate between E and S.       S is for SUCCESSFUL!


We use the learning goals and scales for grading. The scales are a specific list of requirements for every step of every lesson. They tell the student exactly what is expected.  It is a 4 level system. Here is a generic example:

4 = above and beyond – successfully completes every part – can teach others

3 = right on target – can successfully complete the standard by  him/herself   (this is the goal)

2 = starting to get it but still needs help

1 = has not learned it yet or does not understand

E = Excellent

4 = Not only can I do it successfully, I can teach others. (Expert)

S = Successful

3 = I get it. I can successfully do it by myself (Proficient)

N = Needs Improvement

2 = I need more practice (developing)

U = Unsatisfactory

1 = I don’t understand (beginning)

The learning goals and scales are posted in the classroom and we go over it before each lesson to explain to the students exactly what is expected in order to earn an “E”. We review the learning goals and scales many times throughout the lessons.