General Information
The Envirothon began as an outdoor competition in Pennsylvania in 1979. Three “Soil and Water Conservation Districts” held a local competition and dubbed the event the “Environmental Olympics”. Since then, this outdoor environmental program has been adopted in 40 states, whose All-State winners will go on to compete in the 2025 Canon National Envirothon
The following is a link to the state website:
The Nature Coast Regional Envirothon is a competitive, problem-solving contest for high school students, which challenges their knowledge of the environment. This event is an educational program involving Citrus, Hernando, Pasco, and Sumter counties in a “hands-on” site-specific experience with natural resource information. Five natural resource areas are covered: aquatics, forestry, soils, wildlife, and a current environmental issue. This year’s competition is expected to involve 60+ teams. Pasco County will host this year’s Envirothon.
This year’s Envirothon will be held on February 12th, 2025. Will be held in Pasco County at Crews Lake Park, 16739 Crews Lake Dr, Spring Hill, FL 34610.
High school students with a strong desire to learn more about science and the environment are encouraged to compete. This webpage contains the registration forms, map to the event, study guides, and any other materials that you will need to prepare for the event.
Please remember that no cellular phones, i-pods, or other electronics devices are allowed at the event. The event will start with registration between 8:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m., followed by a welcome introduction, 20 minute rounds of testing at each of the stations, lunch, and a closing ceremony.
2025 Nature Coast Envirothon Memo 2025 County Memo
2025 Advisor Letter w/ Rules 2025 Rules & Regulations
Envirothon Rules and Regulations
Please be sure to read the Envirothon Rules and Regulations with your students prior to attending the event. This will help ensure that the competition is fair and that all participants will know what to expect.
•The Team Name that you choose is the official team name that will be used for the day of the competition. Only the official team name will be accepted during the competition, any optional team names may be disqualified.
•Envirothon teams consist of 5 members in Grades 9-12 from the same school or group. Each school/group may enter multiple teams.
•Each 5-member team must have an adult advisor. One adult may be the advisor for multiple teams.
•If registering multiple teams, please have a unique name for each team.
•This year, only 5 teams per school will be allowed to compete.
•An alternate may be selected in case a team member is unable to attend the competition. Alternates will not compete unless taking the place of an absent team member.
•Teams will proceed to the assigned station to begin testing and will continue to the other stations in a clockwise pattern until all teams have completed tests at each station.
•Students may not carry calculators, palm pilots, laptops, cellular phones, cameras, pagers, ipods, and similar electronic devices during the competition. If a student is caught having any of these items in view during the competition, the team will be disqualified. These devices should be left at home or on the bus during the competition.
•This is a competition to test student’s knowledge, please do not share answers during the competition. This or any other form of cheating is highly discouraged and will result in disqualification.
•Teachers and chaperones please do not assist your students with any answers at any of the stations.
•Please print your name, county, and answers legibly on the answer sheets and turn them in at the end of testing at each individual station.
•Have fun and enjoy the day!
For additional information related to the Nature Coast Envirothon, contact:
Josh McCart, Environmental Resource Teacher,
District School Board of Pasco County
Jmccart@pasco.k12.fl.us or (727)-774-0587