If you or someone you know is being bullied at school or online, you should immediately tell a trusted adult, such as a teacher, coach, school counselor, or Assistant Principal. If you don’t tell anyone, we cannot help. You might feel scared or embarrassed about asking for help and that’s okay, but you should know that we are highly trained in dealing with situations such as this.
- Go to the office of the adult you would like to talk to, such as a counselor:
- Mr. Cannon 3-116
- Ms. Donovan 3-127
- Ms.Sparks 3-154
- Ms.Maertin 4-117
- Mr. Hand 4-151
- Stop one of us in the hallway and tell us you need to talk
- Call Anclote’s main number, 727-246-3000, and ask to speak to a school counselor or assistant principal, be sure to leave a detailed voicemail so we can get back to you as soon as possible
- If we are out of our office, write a note and place it in one of our mailboxes or slide it under our office door
Not sure if what you are seeing or experiencing is Bullying or Harassment? Know the difference : http://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/ssps/stop_bullying/
- Create a distraction. If no one is rewarding the person who is bullying by paying attention, the behavior may stop. Bystanders can help to focus the attention on something else
- A bystander can offer a way for the person being bullied to leave the scene by saying something like, “Mr. Smith needs to see you right now,” or “Come on, we need you for our game”
- Only intervene if it feels safe to do so, and never use violence in order to help the person get away
- Let a teacher, school counselor, and/or administrator know a.s.a.p. (you can remain anonymous)
If one of your friends or peers begins to bully someone, you shouldn’t encourage the behavior by giving it an audience. Instead of laughing or supporting, you can let the bully know that his or her behavior isn’t entertaining.
We take bullying very seriously and it will not be tolerated. Every report we receive will be investigated. Depending on the nature of the situation, consequences for students who bully others range from loss of privileges up to expulsion and/or criminal charges.