If you need childcare, drop off your child first in the cafeteria and then report to your child’s classroom.
School Book Fair is Open
Please check your child’s newsletter and/or e-mails for your child’s shopping day.
Join the PTO!
Please join the PTO and help support our school. Your membership is just $15.00. You can also buy school spirit wear and show your school spirit every Friday by wearing a T.E.S. shirt or orange and green.
Meet the Teacher Day- this Thursday
Come anytime between 8:45-2pm. Get your child’s teacher assignment, pay your school fees, buy Trinity spirit wear, join the PTO and so much more! See you soon.
If you would like to volunteer in your child’s classroom, field trip or parties, fill out your application now so you can get approved before school starts.
Click on the link Volunteer Application
Trinity Elementary media center is open over the summer!
No Volunteers or Visitors
May 1, 2 and May 6,7,9 and 10th
2019 Field Day has been moved to Monday 4/29
Spring fundraiser
Students brought home their packet with all the information you need to get started and support our school. YOUR participation and each item sold…makes a difference in the lives of OUR students.
You can show your support by registering your student for online selling and by sharing the brochure in person with friends, family, neighbors and at work to help maximize the impact of this fundraiser.
Cherrydale has an amazing product selection and brands that your friends and family will love such as Allure, Tervis, Otis Spunkmeyer and Cherrydale Chocolates. Say YES FOR OUR KIDS and click hereCherrydale
Mrs. Poth welcomed her new baby girl over spring break!
Penelope Marie Poth
March 16th
10:35 am
7lbs 9 oz
21 inches long

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Mrs. Marsh will take over the class for the remainder of the year.