Author Archives: ckelly
Let’s Celebrate Reading
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss
So many great books to read over and over again.
Moon Calendar
Flat Stanley and the 100th day is coming!
Your Flat Stanley came home today, January 11. All the directions are included. Please be sure to read both letters and use the envelope to mail him out. Please put him in the mail by January 19.
If you don’t know the story, we have included it on our You Tube Channel- Week 18
The 100th day is coming and you get a chance to design a shirt with 100 items. Please wear the shirt on January 24th to celebrate.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
We look forward to seeing you back on Tuesday, January 8 ready to learn and grow. If you want to see some of the upcoming events for 2019 please go to Year At A Glance!
Thomas Promise Foundation
Dear Trinity Families,
The First Grade Team will be conducting a food drive to benefit the Thomas Promise Foundation. We will be discussing helping out in the community, and needs and wants over the next few weeks. The students are very excited to make a difference right here in Pasco County! The Thomas Promise Foundation is a local Pasco County, non-profit organization that collects and distributes food to needy children here in our own county. It was founded by a local Pasco student who wanted to make a difference!
There is a need for foods that can be sent home over the weekends and school breaks that children can easily eat. Individual servings of applesauce and canned fruits, Pop Tarts, Ramen Noodles, Easy Mac, canned pasta and granola bars are desperately needed. We will be collecting food now through December 17th.
Thank you so much for your support of our students and the community!
Welcome Back!
Disguise A Turkey!
If you need ideas check out the link- turkey in disguise
Project letter home on 11/5/18 and projects due by 11/12/18. Have fun!
Thank you Mrs Barlow and welcome back Miss Burch!
Mrs. Barlow’s last day was October 26 and on Monday,October 29 Miss Burch returns to her classroom. Good luck Mrs. Barlow in your future as an educator.
Red Ribbon Week
M- Wear Red and/or Hearts
T-Pajama Day
W- Team Jersey Day
Th- Tie Dye and/or peace signs
F- Costume Parade at 10 am