Wildest of Weekends

WILD Weekend 2016 -C.I.A.Screen Shot 2016-03-17 at 11.17.32 PMCotee Investigation Agents-


wild-weekend-2016 registration

This year’s theme is “Cotee Investigation Agents“. We will participate in a simulation of an impact study of the Cotee River. We will camp out at the EMC and Werner Boyce Park on Friday night and enjoy a day of learning on the water on Saturday.  This year’s Wild Weekend will run through Saturday night so we will only have one night overnight. Come and enjoy a weekend of meaningful experiences as we focus on coastal preservation and engage in deeper learning experiences we can infuse back into our classrooms!

Get ready to kayak and snorkel  as we go down under!

For general questions about the training contact:

Wild Weekend Archives

 Wild Weekend 2014

You can also access information through the EEC’s website @ http://eec.pasco.k12.fl.us