Important Information

Odessa Elementary School students follow 4 school-wide expectations:


Planners: Planners are checked every day. Please check the planner daily, initial that you have seen it. PLEASE KEEP THE BINDER CLIP IN THE PLANNER (ATTACHED AT THE TOP). If you send money in, please put it in a bag or envelope labeled with your child’s name, student ID, and a note saying what it is to be used for.

Attendance and Early Dismissal: We have a very rigorous curriculum and it is important for students to be at school every day, on time, all day. Our day starts promptly at 9:35. Early dismissal is discouraged as learning occurs until the final bell. If your child misses school, you will need to send in a separate note (not written in the planner). Per Pasco County policy, only absences because of medical reasons are excused.

Changes in Transportation/Dismissal Changes: If the way your child leaves at the end of the day changes, please send in a written note. E-mail is fine as well, but please do this prior to the day of change. Do not rely on your child to tell us this information. If no written note is received, your child will be sent home by his/her usual method of transportation.

Tuesday Folders: Tuesday Folders will be sent home each Tuesday with important information from the school. Please empty these folders and return the next day. *You may also check the ODES website for an electronic Tuesday Folder located on our homepage. This electronic version will contain copies of the school-wide flyers/documents that are sent home in the traditional Tuesday Folders.

Birthdays:  If you would like your child’s birthday celebrated in class, please let us know in advance. Ordering cupcakes, cookies or rice krispie platters through our school cafeteria is highly recommended! The cafeteria staff will deliver the order to the classroom for your child’s birthday. Please also be advised that no items containing nuts or made in a nut facility are to be sent in due to allergies. Due to our structured academic school day, we do not allow time for birthday “parties”. Your child’s birthday will be celebrated with his/her teacher and the students in the class at the end of the day- no outside visitors are allowed (as per school policy).

Lunch Visitors: Parents/approved visitors are welcome to eat lunch with their child at the designated picnic tables (students may not take friends out of the cafeteria with them). Parents/approved visitors will not be allowed to walk their child to class after eating lunch with them or attend recess with them. You will be able to have lunch with your child starting the second week of school.

**All visitors MUST sign in through the front office.

Snacks: Please refer to these guidelines: When you pack your child’s snack, keep in mind that it needs to be disposable, dry, and healthy (no liquids). Please avoid sending snacks that require your child to peel, cut, or use a spoon (Ex: pretzels, fruit, fruit snacks, crackers, chips). Also keep in mind that there are students who have nut allergies in both pods, so due to allergies please do NOT send in snacks that contain any NUTS.  A water bottle may also be brought to class. Please make sure it is labeled or easy to tell apart from others. Please do NOT send in juice/soda. If you would like to send extra individually wrapped NUT-FREE snacks to share, we welcome them!


The information below is being communicated to inform you about our grading system.

When your child is meeting the expected level, this earns them a grade of an S.

For example, when a student answers all questions correctly on an assessment, he/she will earn an S. This shows that the child is meeting the expected level.

When students are showing success at the expected level, they will be given other opportunities to demonstrate outstanding performance that goes above and beyond on concepts and skills, which could earn them an E.

The image below summarizes how grades are determined for each subject area on Report Cards.